Monday 4 January 2016

New year, new resolutions

Welcome in 2016! 
New Year, fresh start, my diary is full of ideas and New year resolutions:) I know that lots of people saying that doesn't make any sense at all and those few lines we write down in January are usually forgotten next month. But I will try to keep them. 
So I wrote down few very private things which are not connected with this page and probably you don't want to read them but my big promise for this year is to keep my blog alive again and write the posts often as possible. I can't believe my last post was made there in March and I made big eyes when I seen that( OMG time going too fast) But in fact that is true and I am very ashamed about it.
So I gonna make first post today with summary of last year and from now on I gonna continue that:)
Next thing I want to try is MIX media . I try them few times already and I love them but Im bit afraid of them sometimes. I know that I should play with them more rather that thinking whats gonna happened if...
And finally I clean my desk today which is great succes and that doesn't happened so often in my room;)

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